Details Page for 0.7357

Complete Solution is Known:

Quotient Size:   1026
P-Portion Size:   2
Tame?   Yes

MSV File: q-0.7357.msv

Growth Pattern:

Heap   Q-Size   P-Size

(Click on a heap to see details)

Details for Q435(0.7357):

Q = <a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h | a2=1, b3=b, b2c=c, c2=b2, b2d=d, d2=b2, b2e=e, e2=b2, b2f=f, f2=b2, b2g=g, g2=b2, b2h=h, h2=b2>

P = {a, b2}

Phi = 1 a b ab a c ac ab2 ab b ab2 ac c abc bc d ad bd ab bc abc acd cd c b ab2 bd ab c ac abcd bd abd cd e ae be abe cd b d ab2 abe ac bc cd ac e abd ad d de e abd bd e abce ab ace abce abc ac ab abd de abcd e ad cd ac c e ae ade ace cd ac abde f abe bcde abce bf cd f bf ae d abd ac bce ce cd ae ce bcde b bde ade cde f bcd bf d acf ab bcd c bce abe cd e ab2 acf bcd cd bc abcde bde ab ae f bf abf df bde ac d b acf bde ce bf ade aef d abcde acf bf abce ac bf bcf abd ad d b bf de acdf aef abcdf bcf abf ce f ac def f acdf acf e bf bce def cd bcd cdef abf abce cd b bdef abcde bc ade cde ab df bcd cd ab2 abcdf g bcd bcde abce bf g acf bcde bd abcef abdef bdef f e acf abce bdf bcde abce cd bcd bcef g de bg cdef bef abf acd ade cf g abcg e bdf abce abde abcd ab2 ace g bcg abcg e bef bcdef abce ab bd abd g acdg bce abce abd abcf abf abd ad d g ab2 bcde acf bcg bdef aeg ace e acf df abdef bcef ac abcd df cd bcde g c df abe ab g bce ce cdef cd cg bcg ae g bcg ad d beg adg bcdg df abdef f deg abd ce bcg e adg abd g acdef abcdf abce bef beg bdf abdg bdg ab2 g adg aceg cdef def cde acdeg abcf cdef ae g cd abcdf bf b g abd bceg acf aef aeg ae beg abd ae abcg abcd e abcef cd ag bce abfg ae beg abcdef ab dg acdf bcde abcg cdeg abe ef cfg beg bce g def f afg c acd ag cf abdg bdg abeg cg abdf acf ade abcde aceg afg abe cfg efg g cg aceg acde b aceg abcdg bf cdfg abce d f bcefg ab cd abce abeg ab2 ae cg acdfg ab acf acdg abf abcdef acdeg ad ade abf abdef g abe be dg abcde bef acdg cd acd acf abcf abde adfg abce cd beg aceg abefg bcdfg bce ab2 aceg abefg beg bcg efg adefg bcdfg ab2 bde df c bdef acf adg h adfg bce abce c bcdfg bf bdef abce ab bdef h abcd bcd cdeg aceg bcdefg bcfg e h ah acdfg bcdefg ef cef abf abdeg abdef acf adf abcf adfg bcdef abce befg aeg e aceg g acf beg abcef ae bcd g acefg adg acdeg abcdeg ah acdeg deg aefg g ah h abd abcdefg acd acef abcf ef ch aefg cd ch h ah abh bdeg abefg def bdeg acdh cd bdeg acf dh ch ade abcdf bdh g abfg abdef bce fg bdef ae bcde bdeg abce bh cd ab g cd ach bdf bch g adh abd cfg abcdef abe abcd abefg aefg cd abcg acdh abcdh bf abcdefg acd bcde abcf ah abdefg abcg abdef beh abdfg h abce ef abcfg beh adg g aceh abcg abcdh bcef ab2 ch ae bcdefg ab adef abcdfg bcdef bch adeh g cdh abh h bcfg f acf df acfh adh bcd bcdf df ch ade cdefg abch bdfg cfg bdef abh bcg abcg ab2 cdeg acf abdh bceh aceh fh abch bcdg df acf bcfg ad abd cdeh acefg df cdeh bcfg df b fh abcdeh ceg abdfh abch abdefg ae def aceg abcg cdefg h def beh cdef bcde dg acdeh abcg cdef ceg bcd h beg abdeh bcfg ac beh cf abdeg beh bcef fh bfh abcdef beh dh g abh fg g abch cefg abf bcfh aefh bfh cdef abh afh abd acefg beg acdfh bcdfh abdfh bcdefg ae acdh abcg beg g abd beg acf cdeh bfh abfh aef cd aeh beh abcfg abdeh acdh bdfh efh deg acdefh efh adfg abcdh bcde deh g acdeh bcdfh eh abcg ae adfg adfh acf efh bdgh abcefg bf adh df cd abgh cdeh c adfg ae abdfh fg cdfh bdg aceh acdfg acdg af cefh deg ade cdfg eh adh agh gh acdf abdfh bdef abdfg abdfh bcgh cgh ce bce adh abdeh cefg ac ch cefg abdfg abch abdefh beh df b dfh adfh dgh e aceh adfg bcefh beh df efh beg f abdfg abgh bgh cgh abe adfh afg ab abcdeg abcg adgh bcfg ade cd bdef ade f bdefg ade aegh ch adfg acgh aceg cd dgh f bdg abegh beg bcdh acdgh abefh bdeh acgh beh abde abcdeg abcg bdgh bf aef acdeh abd abcf bcdf abcdeh abdefh cfh abcdg cegh abcdf acf beg bcd bf abce bcdegh degh abeg ae cdf bdfh abefg acgh cd bcfg abfg bdeh aegh abcegh cdgh bdef acdfh abce abd bdfh acf abcdf adgh adh bdeh acefg cd bdeh bcfgh cfgh ae abcegh bdef def abcf bf abcefg acdg befh bcdegh abcdfg aceg acgh fh aceg abd abcgh h acdefh f ab adegh bcf aceg abfgh cd cefgh acdef cd b acdf bdfg aef cfh bcfg cdeh acdeg aceh bcegh bcdeh cdeh ah abdefh bcde bfh ae acdh acefgh beg bce cfg adfg cdefh adegh abcfgh abcegh adegh abcg bg bcde af beg abdfg adefh bdfh ade dfgh cdefh dfh acgh cdfgh bcfg bce cdfh abefg cdgh fh cdfgh cefg abgh bce dg abdfg degh ad abdfg acfgh cdgh abdfg h ef beh bcgh abd abcg abcdegh abcdeg abfgh acdeg adfg abdeh bcfg abce bgh egh bce adef cefg bcdg g cdef bef e abcg bcfg af ab2 acdefgh

Monoid Structure

Idempotent  |G|  |Arch|
b2 *256256